I used to feel “invincible” because I was almost never sick or injured. Every once in a while I had a cold. Running related injuries were limited to a blister every once in a while. When I increased distance and I felt my muscles or joints were a little challenged I made generous use of tape and developed a thorough stretching routine. That was it!
However, my life as a runner changed dramatically when I fell down the stairs immediately after my return to the U.S. from the Swiss alps where I enjoyed both, cross country skiing and running in the winter-wonderland. My foot swollen and turning blu, I had to see a doctor, and X-ray taken showed a Y-shaped fracture in my forefoot. Out of a sudden my life changed: I had to work from home! I couldn’t exercise! The gym was closed because of the pandemic! I was supposed to keep the leg high and reduce walking around to a minimum for several months.
I had hard times to enjoy my favorite hobby, when I was finally allowed to exercise again. I was frustrated every time I tried and I didn’t understand at all why running just didn’t feel the same. Running used to be my little vacation on a busy day. Often I squeezed it in over lunch time and felt great. Or I went out in the early morning, returning energized for the day just from seeing the sun rising and listening to birds chirping – having the feeling the world is mine alone because everyone else is still asleep. Or I just went for a little round in the neighborhood in the evening, relaxing from the day, so peaceful an experience. Water under the bridge – I know.
I had up’s and down’s ever since. I tried running again but gave up after a couple of weeks. Gave it another try but not very successful. Got sick more often than ever since I lost my running routine. Was this because my immune system was weak, my body missing the out door exercise? Last but not lease I got hit by this damn Covid-19 a few weeks ago. Despite my 3 times vaccination it was hitting me pretty badly, including high fever and impacting my breathing. Luckily the emergency doctor got the treatment right. I am fully recovered, got another booster (just in case). I would say there could be no better moment in time than right now to start running again, and get it right this time!
I promised myself nothing less than getting the magic moments of running back into my life! Do I know a magic formula? Well, at least I have an idea what went wrong in the past, and how to start anew in a way that works for me. Community is about sharing, and I will share the tips I have, the advice I got from others, and the experiences I make on the way.
BTW: Did you know that getting back into running after a pause of over six months is not very different from getting into running for the very first time?
Stay tuned,
(Pic by Tirachard Kumtanom via pexels)
Great post.
Thanks for your kind feedback! With all the topics we have in mind there is a lot to come :-)
Yes, very much looking forward to it!
FEEN Berlin are the best and we hope that Boston and Berlin be able to inspire and meet each other…
Thank you both for this podcast. Ist was very funny to listen. FEEN Berlin are the best and we hope…